The application home page is seen like this. Each option opens a new registration form.
Back NextStudent enrollment information looks like the figure. With the "Öğrenci Kayıt" button, the data are saved to the server.
Back NextWith the "Veri Ara" button (via id) this data is searched and displayed under the application.
Back NextUnlike student enrollment here "Sınıf" button has been changed to "Bölüm" name.
ARTICLE DEMOAs can be seen, the button named “Kıdem” is defined in the manager registration, unlike the others.
Back NextThe "Veri Güncelle" button recreates all these forms in the id (via id) for the first time, then all the forms filled in on the record.
Back NextIt is the same with other registration forms, only the label named "Görev" is written.
Back NextFor example, we define an id named “13062020” and then we register to our database with the “Dersleri Kayıdet” button.
Back NextI can call the id named "13062020" with the "Search Data" button. The working system of these codes is shown on the other page.
Back NextClicking "Save Lessons" connects to the server and instead of "id" textbox (for this page it takes from "courses_id") and creates a block with the name that id. "Make a list" on this block sorts the data in the textbox.
Back NextWith the basicization via "Search Data", it is first connected to the server and then named "data_arama_copy_copy". The feeding of that id is called from textbox (textbox called please enter) and then it is written to the labels in order.
Back NextTo update the id named "13062020", its updated version is written, and then with the "update" button, the new data is created with the same id.
Back NextTo update the id named "13062020", its updated version is written, and then with the "update" button, the new data is created with the same id.
Back NextWhen the "Update Lesson" button is clicked, first "Course_data_guncelle" is deleted in the id database from the textbox. Afterwards, the data is recorded through the new order in the forum. These records are list ”command from textboxes (eg: “Courses_name”) is transferred to the database as sample entries.
Back NextDeletes sequential data after pressing “Delete Data” by entering the id named “1306202”.
Back NextBy pressing the "data_delme_copy" button, the database is connected. After the "Remove First" command from the database, into the textbox ("Data_input_copy to be deleted") over the entered id, the data is deleted starting from the first data.
Back NextTo update the id named "13062020", its updated version is written, and then with the "update" button, the new data is created with the same id.
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